In August and September of 2024, INL’s Caribbean Anti-Crime (CAC) Program, implemented by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) hosted two Prosecution Keep-in-Touch Seminars of a four-part series focusing on prosecuting gang-related cases. This four-part series is led by the Office of Public Prosecutions of Jamaica. The CAC team continues to provide educational opportunities and a forum for the sharing of best practices in a variety of criminal justice areas.
Prosecuting Gang Cases: Part 1
On August 29th, NCSC convened the first of four Prosecution KIT seminars focused on prosecuting gang crimes.
Increasingly, the Caribbean region is facing growing numbers of gang-related criminal activities. Understanding and utilizing the best practices for effectively prosecuting gang-related cases is crucial for prosecutors. This month’s Prosecution KIT drew from the Jamaican legal perspective on how to prosecute these crimes.

Jeremy C. Taylor, BH(M), K.C., Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Kingston, Jamaica presenting on Prosecuting Gang Cases: Part 1 on August 29th, 2024.
The seminar included an examination of the charges and supporting case law under the Jamaican Criminal Justice, such as the Suppression of Criminal Organisations Act of 2014. Additionally, the seminar also touched on regional anti-gang legislation and how to properly apply the stautes in their respective jurisdictions. This interactive seminar aimed to build professional skills and was led by Jeremy C. Taylor, BH(M), K.C., Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Kingston, Jamaica.
Approximately 100 regional prosecutors attended this seminar.